The Hypergame!

We hope you're having a great time at Google Cloud Days!

We'd like to invite you to play a trivia quiz created using Gemini Ultra. The game offers two modes, doesn't require registration and can be played as many times as you'd like.

Hyper mode

Play a series of 7 questions. Some of those questions are generated by Gemini, some are from a predefined list. Check your general trivia knowledge and AI Hardware expertise!

Play in Hyper mode

Leaderboard mode

Compete with other Google Cloud Days guests in a scored competition! Answer as many Gemini generated questions in a row as possible to climb up the leaderboard!

Play in Leaderboard mode

Some of the questions presented to you are generated by Gemini 1.0 Ultra. This means, that there is no guarantee, that they are 100% correct. On some rare occasions, the AI might generate a question with incorrect answer.

The question generated by Gemini will be marked with the Gemini logo symbol.

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